Wheelchair access through turnstiles

Entrance control that enhances efficiency and accessibility for all users

The right security system for your lobby provides more than protection from physical threats. Whatever the nature of your building – be it medical facility, university library, or even an office – systems that improve the efficiency of daily operations and ensure equal accessibility for all authorised users are vital.

The old model of physical security management assumes a human will assess every user attempting to enter a building. More efficient systems now have human staff intervening only occasionally, and many organisations are exploring the advantages of systems that don’t have on-site security staff at all.

But, not all users are the same. Even where pedestrian traffic simply passes through, some entering or leaving may, for example, make use of mobility devices or wheelchairs, making some entrance control lanes too narrow for their use. Others may be dragging a suitcase or fulfilling a delivery of bulky items.

One option is to install some Speedgate lanes and, separately, a wider and manually-operated gate to one side, with staff on hand to help any users requiring support through this. This increases the staffing requirement and may not be a practical option in smaller facilities. Different entry points – often involving Passgates – can also be less secure and potentially seen as discriminatory.

A better, more inclusive solution is to have Speedgate lanes that can vary in width as required, with perhaps one of several lanes installed being wider.

A flexible security solution

Fastlane turnstiles can be installed in a variety of lane widths, to suit your particular needs. The Glassgate 150, for example, has options of standard (660mm) and DDA compliant (914 mm). As a sidenote, British firms continue to use this term, even though UK accessibility now centres on the Equality Act not the old Disability Discrimination Act (DDA). See our glossary of terms for more.

For some sites, DDA compliance is not enough. Sports wheelchairs are wider for example. Here’s where the Glassgate 155 comes into its own, as you can select lane widths of 1100mm and 1200mm.

Ensuring higher throughput

Another important accessibility consideration for any facility relates to the efficiency of traffic flow. Bottlenecks cause annoyance and also create security risks, with some users potentially attempting to bypass a security solution to avoid what they view as a frustrating process.

Fastlane units are premium products, able to process 60 users per minute, with users offering up credentials – perhaps a QR code on a smart phone, an ID card, or even the palm of their hand – to automated readers and those who are authorised are able to pass through easily.

And don’t forget the interconnection between throughput and reliability – if one of your three lanes is temporarily down, your throughput is obviously cut by a third. Fastlane turnstiles are renowned for their engineering standards and high reliability, delivering the actual throughput pledged on virtually every day of their service life, as well as a lower total cost of ownership.

How will your system cope with your most challenging day?

Anyone installing an entrance control system needs to plan for scenarios such as fire and evacuation. Connect our turnstiles to any networked, computer-based control platform and security staff – based onsite or remotely – can then take full charge of daily or exceptional challenges, opening up lanes, and changing system behaviour in real time as required, in addition to capturing information that may be useful to first responders or facilities management teams.

The optical matrices in Fastlane turnstiles, and also doorside Door Detective units, can count users passing through, even where no physical barrier is opened or closed. Security staff can collate that information and forward it on. If your system has layers of security – turnstiles in the lobby and Door Detectives at internal security points, for example – your connected access control systems can create that people count per zone.

Layered security for refined and enhanced safety

Whether you are protecting staff, valuables, or sensitive data, consider the advantages of a system that boosts protection at precisely the points within your location that need it the most. Are you comfortable with every visitor and staff member having universal access? Discreet and optical-only Door Detective units let you offer tailored access permissions, reducing the risk of theft, data compromise and even violence.

No more tailgating or sidegating

Tailgating (also known as piggybacking) is possibly the key challenge facing any entrance control system. This is when one user presents a credential and passes through, with a second person following closely behind and so passing through without their own credentials being checked.

The infrared optical matrix in a Fastlane turnstile or Door Detective will spot the passage of two individuals and respond as you have specified – closing barriers or simply alerting staff via an alarm. Through the use of proprietary technology, the units can similarly spot “sidegating”, which is our own term for the scenario where two people pass through side by side on one credential.

Equal accessibility for all users does not imply compromised security. On the contrary, it entails enhanced security through increased precision that accommodates variables. Whatever you are protecting, our entrance control systems can ensure not only safety but efficiency, accessibility and an enhanced user experience.

If you would like to know more, please call +44 (0)208 890 5550 or e-mail info@fastlane-turnstiles.com.