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Symbiosis in Singapore: an interview with IDL-APAC

IDL-APAC is an exclusive partner for Fastlane and Door Detective products into Asia, providing innovative solutions for entrance control in this market.  Headquartered in Singapore, with business partners in most Asian countries, the team at IDL-APAC has extensive experience in the sales and maintenance of Fastlane and Door Detective products, and is ideally placed to offer support to customers in this region.  IDL-APAC will help you specify, install and maintain your entrance control system as well as advising on integration and bespoke products.

Since 2003, we’ve enjoyed a strong relationship with IDL-APAC, with their exceptional reputation in this region perfectly complementing the reliability of our Fastlane and Door Detective products. We spoke to Francis Ong, Operations Director at IDL-APAC, to find out what he thinks has made our partnership so successful.

What about our respective company’s cultures do you think has contributed to such a long-standing relationship?

The relationship is built on a base of mutual trust and understanding of each other’s requirements. The quality of the IDL products speak for themselves and the whole IDL-APAC team is committed to matching this quality with exceptional sales support, marketing and technical service, ensuring that our joint offering continues to be the go-to choice for prestigious projects in the region. We all believe that Fastlane is a premium brand and with that comes certain assurances for customers that need to be met and exceeded.

Which products are particularly suited to APAC market?

We have found the Glassgate 150 to be the most popular and best suited to the market here in Singapore and APAC. I believe that this is because it features sleek materials, such as a stainless-steel enclosure, glass spine panel and glass pedestal height swing barriers, while still offering a cost-effective option for those requiring style, speed and accuracy. There are also options for those looking to complement their environment perfectly with many choices for bespoke finishes available.

Singapore at night timeWhat’s the most common type of feedback you receive about IDL products?

Most of the feedback we receive is in regards to the reliability of the IDL products. It’s incredibly rare for one of IDL’s Fastlane turnstiles to fail so, as a result, customers don’t need to worry about downtime, replacing units or costly repairs.

Customers can also be secure in their decision to use Fastlane turnstiles, as they are designed and manufactured for a global market and as such adherence to international standards which is a critical element of the development process. IDL created a quality management system that was first accredited to ISO 9001 over 18 years ago and continues to be approved to each successive revision of the standard. Despite all the quality assurances, Fastlane products are also provided with up to 24 months return to manufacturer warranty (subject to registering the product using Fastlane Connect) and extended warranties with authorised maintenance services are available upon request.

Which projects are you most proud to have worked on?

The project I am most proud of was recently finished and involved installing Fastlane Glassgate 150s at several Asian offices of one of the world’s largest social media companies. The Singapore office is located in a prestigious multi-tenanted building, the company chose bespoke Glassgate 150 turnstiles to secure their floors and ensure that only authorised staff and visitors can gain access to their office.

Looking for a superior level of security and detection on their internal doors to restrict access to high security areas such as their server rooms, the same social media company installed Door Detective units. Monitoring the throughput of access-controlled doorways, corridors and passageways, Door Detective ensures that the ‘one person one access’ rule is met, monitoring the number of people passing through an access-controlled doorway and in which direction. This additional level of security provides management with the reassurance that only authorised visits are being made to these high-risk areas and that data will not be compromised through a physical breach.

What qualities do you refer to when you are recommending Fastlane turnstiles to customers?

Fastlane turnstiles are not only aesthetically pleasing, they also provide one of the most reliable and trouble-free solutions for entrance control on the market today. Behind the beautiful exterior, the infrared matrix that drives the decision to authorise entry makes thousands of calculations per second based on speed of passage, luggage being carried or pulled, distance to the pedestrian behind and direction of movement. It is this intelligent decision-making that eliminates false alarms, improves compliance and strengthens effective building security. It’s this combination of aesthetic appeal and intelligence which sets IDL apart from its competitors.


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