Download our Ebook

Securing Educational Environments:
Key Considerations

Securing educational environments ebook front coverWhen it comes to securing educational environments like schools, colleges and universities, you can’t afford to learn the hard way. Any weakness in your security could leave your property, students and faculty vulnerable.


Entrance control, especially when integrated with other security technologies, can go a long way towards intruder-proofing your building. And, given the now crucial need to monitor and control how many people are permitted access to your buildings, or specific areas within them, entrance control can also play an essential role in enforcing social distancing.

But, it’s not a case of one size fits all, as different educational environments have unique security and aesthetic requirements.

Drawing on our 35 years’ plus experience and, having installed entrance control systems in many of the leading educational institutions around the world, we have created this ebook to help with the decisions you face when choosing a solution.

What you’ll receive by downloading this ebook…

– Insight into the unique challenges facing educational environments

– An overview of common vulnerabilities

– A look at the different types of entrance control

– Guidance on the key considerations when choosing entrance control

– A briefing tool to simplify the procurement process

– Case studies looking at how others have successfully secured their educational environments