Taking command of entrance control – Introducing new FastCmd

The newest addition to the Fastlane Connect suite of apps – FastCmd (Fast Command) – was launched at this year’s IFSEC. This Windows based app will allow authorised users to control and monitor their Fastlane turnstiles from a convenient Windows PC or Tablet connected to the same network.

Fastlane Connect FastCmd app on large monitorProviding an alternative to the Multilane Touchscreen Controller, FastCmd communicates using IP and can monitor and control up to 63 lanes of Fastlane turnstiles if all are connected to the same network, with eight lanes presented on screen at any one time. Lane displays mimic the installation layout for ease of identification, with entry and exit mode selection and alarms all displayed live on screen.

Tony Smith, Major Accounts and Marketing Manager comments: “This new app was created due to customer demand, specifically in the US, where a number of our clients were looking for a way to control multiple lanes from one screen, without the need for separate remote controls.”

“FastCmd is ideal for environments requiring multiple turnstiles, a large foyer in a corporate office for example, as a receptionist or security guard is able to control all lanes just by logging into the app via a PC or Tablet, making it incredibly simple and intuitive to use,” continues Tony. “The app also accurately assesses traffic through the barriers, is capable of displaying individual lane data and provides instant feedback of traffic flow and incidents, with high processing speed to prevent traffic build-up.”

For clients already using IP connected Fastlane turnstiles, FastCmd can be retrofitted. For any new customers, the app will soon be available to download from the Fastlane website.

For more information, please contact our team on +44 (0)20 8890 5550 or email info@fastlane-turnstiles.com.

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