7 ways entrance control can support your brand values
As the saying goes, “you never get a second chance to make a first impression” and customers, employees and suppliers all pick up on subtle cues as to what is important to your company from the first time they set foot in your reception area, it’s important that your security decisions are sending out the right messages to.
Here we cover some of the most frequently used brand values, and how making the right security choice can help to reinforce these.
Consider what level of security is necessary to convey the right tone as it’s possible to retain a high level of security without having to have very obtrusive entrance controls solutions in place. Successful security systems should provide users with confidence that a threat will be thwarted, but shouldn’t prohibit the free movement of authorised individuals around a building.
Alternatively, for some sites, it’s important that the reception area sends out the message to visitors and staff that the company takes its responsibility seriously. In these cases having visible, full-height security barriers such as our Glassgate 300, will create the right impression.
For all the need to keep out potential threats, your security mustn’t be about inconveniencing people who are authorised for access – for these people, passing through security is a means to an end, not the goal.
When it comes to entrance control, the security process needs to be as easy and simple to use as possible. But another consideration is how integrating turnstiles with other technologies can heighten the user experience.
Fast processing following the presentation of a card; the flexibility to change lane opening rules in high traffic periods; and software integrations such as elevator calling can all improve the user experience and the resultant brand perception.
Customer focused
Visitors without an entry card will be relieved if they are not confronted by a security process which causes them delay in any way. With Fastlane Connect, it is simple to change lane entry quickly for a single pedestrian, or a large group perhaps entering with a senior member of staff who wishes to forgo the security process for the benefit of continuing discussions.
A commitment to sustainability can be satisfied by your choice of turnstile, ensuring that specifiers are aware of the need for low-power options and the potential for remote firmware upgrades to enable ongoing compatibility with changing systems without the need for replacing the turnstiles themselves. Our products offer a relatively predictable and very low ‘total cost of ownership’ as a result of the low power consumption, low numbers of consumable parts, reliability over 5 million cycles without failure, fast and efficient global distribution network for support and spares.
See how our entrance control solutions met the sustainability requirements for the University of Birmingham’s sport and fitness centre.
If you are looking for something quirky, dramatic or exciting to suit a bold or creative area, consider custom options for your entrance turnstiles.
With the potential to change many of the design elements – including etching on the glass barriers, choices of top panels including stone, Corian or marble, and side panels with both colour and finish options – there is no need to stick to the brushed steel and glass of standard units if you are looking for something more unique.
We now offer a printable vinyl wrapping service, providing an even finish in the colour of your choice, or a more intricate design if you prefer. This alternative to paint gives long-lasting protection to the unit beneath. More complex printed designs could match your logo or brand colours, or anything else within your imagination!
IDL has developed a number of different Fastlane turnstiles that lend themselves easily to the inclusion of wider lanes to allow complete accessibility for all, whilst still retaining a high level of security which can sometimes be lost when barrier height or width increases.
Fastlane turnstiles are known in the industry for being reliable from the outset – a huge benefit when one of the qualities you want to impress on people is how organised and dependable your company is and the last thing you need is for one of the turnstiles not to be working.
This reliability is a direct result of our turnstiles being manufactured to order and on-site in our UK offices. The proximity of the factory floor to the technical and operations departments ensures regular conversation and joined-up problem-solving between the key teams rather than build happening remotely.
Turnstiles might not seem a critical element in your overall brand delivery, but the key with effective brand messaging is consistency so having any elements that jar with your intended characteristics will undermine efforts in other areas. Choose your turnstiles carefully and work with a manufacturer that ensures you can fully support your brand goals rather than make you look like you’re just paying lip service to them.
For more information about Fastlane turnstiles and applications, or to arrange a private product demonstration at our showroom in West London, please get in touch with our team on +44 (0)20 8890 5550 or email info@fastlane-turnstiles.com.